Events Apple announces the event for the launch of the iPhone 15 and new Apple Watch models by Carlos Gaviria August 30, 2023
Tech Apple to pay up 550 million dollars for slowed down iPhone devices by Carlos Gaviria August 18, 2023
Entertainment Writer sues The Tetris Company and Apple for allegedly copying his book to make a movie by Carlos Gaviria August 9, 2023
Economy Mark Zuckerberg criticizes the new Apple Vision Pro, here is what he said by Carlos Gaviria June 16, 2023
Tech Apple presentes the new Macbook Air, it is much faster than its predecessors by Carlos Gaviria June 7, 2023
Tech Apple reveals iOS 17, but some iPhones will not receive the update. Find out if yours applies by Carlos Gaviria June 7, 2023