Once again fiction exceeds reality, now through a new reality show based on the plot of ‘The Squid Game‘, the Netflix series that...
LuneikaJune 19, 2022Actor Tyler Sanders was found dead at his home in Los Angeles, California. According to TMZ, it happened last Thursday, although they barely...
LuneikaJune 18, 2022Good news for fans of ‘Game of Thrones‘. Jon Snow, one of the favorite characters from the famous series will also be having...
LuneikaJune 18, 2022Soon we will know the way in which Tim Burton reinterpreted the universe of The crazy Addams, when the “new and twisted series”...
LuneikaJune 7, 2022On Friday, May 27th, returned to Netflix one of the fiction series that the public has been waiting for the most, ‘Stranger Things‘. With...
LuneikaMay 30, 2022Ruby Barker, who plays the character of Marina Thompson in Bridgerton, shared a video on Instagram in which she explains that she is...
LuneikaMay 28, 2022The long-awaited Percy Jackson series on Disney+ has revealed the actor who will play the lead, Walker Scobell, who recently appeared in Netflix’s...
LuneikaApril 11, 2022Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul will return to action to once again play the unforgettable Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the final season...
LuneikaApril 11, 2022“Pachinko“, the new South Korean and Canadian series on Apple tv + with only three chapters of having been released has already attracted...
LuneikaMarch 27, 2022The second season of the successful Netflix series “Bridgerton“, produced by Shonda Rhimes, premiered this Friday, March 25th, 2022, however, fans of the...
LuneikaMarch 26, 2022