In an interview with Variety, the star of the Marvel Studios arachnid franchise, Jacob Batalon, reacted to the idea that his character ends...
Jhostin BescanzaApril 5, 2022Bruce Willis, 67, is ending his acting career for health reasons, after being diagnosed with aphasia, his daughter Rumer Willis reported this Wednesday,...
LuneikaApril 2, 2022The international cinema awards season is coming to an end with the most famous of them, the 2022 Oscars. The event took place...
LuneikaMarch 29, 2022Even before the first awards are handed out at the 2022 Oscars, the artists stand out on their arrival at the awards, as...
LuneikaMarch 28, 2022Johnny Depp has been involved in a major legal battle against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, and on Friday, March 25, it was reported...
LuneikaMarch 27, 2022Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, but his background is European. The legendary actor is the only child of Irmelin, a German-born...
Jhostin BescanzaMarch 10, 2022The popular British actor expressed his desire to win the prestigious gold statuette for his role in the latest installment of Spiderman, something...
Jhostin BescanzaJanuary 9, 2022“Spiderman:Â No Way Home” has become one of the most successful films in history since its theatrical release less than a month ago, and...
Jhostin BescanzaJanuary 6, 2022Rapper Kanye West spent $ 4.5 million on a house across the street from Kim Kardashian to be close to his children, although...
Jhostin BescanzaJanuary 5, 2022Martin Scorsese caused great controversy in 2019 by harshly criticizing the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the superhero genre in general, creating a rift...
LuneikaDecember 26, 2021