
China, mired in an unprecedented energy crisis that cruelly the economy

An increase in demand, a rise in coal prices and cuts imposed by the provinces to meet environmental objectives are… Read More

3 years

The UN hands over the plan to Elon Musk to end the famine of more than 45 million people

The director of Tesla, Elon Musk, asked the UN for a detailed plan of how they would “end world hunger”… Read More

3 years

The big three challenges the United States economy faces moving forward

The Federal Reserve's forecast, which anticipates economic growth of 5.9% for this year, would be the highest since 1984. However,… Read More

3 years

COP26 final agreement to fight climate change disappoints

The COP26 summit approved a climate agreement on Saturday night. But many delegations have been frustrated after ambitions around ending… Read More

3 years

Samsung achieves 2nd place in the ranking of best global brands

The South Korean firm Samsung Electronics Co. has been placed in second place in the list of the best global… Read More

3 years

Queen Elizabeth II sprains her back and doctors recommend changing her demanding routine

Queen Elizabeth II would return to public events after a brief hospital stay last month to attend the Remembrance Sunday… Read More

3 years

Elon Musk loses $ 50 billion in two days as Tesla shares fall for this reason

After posting a controversial poll on Twitter, Elon Musk has lost $ 50 billion so far this week after Tesla… Read More

3 years