The live-action adaptation of the beloved manga and anime series One Piece will be heading to home screens in just a few weeks. The cast who will be bringing the popular animated characters to life was also revealed a few months ago, with Iñaki Godoy (who plays the main character, Monkey D. Luffy) stealing most of the spotlights. However, this time is turn for another member of the cast to share her story!
We are talking about Emily Rudd, the actress who was chosen to play Nami, one of the main female characters in the manga. Rudd has shown very similar enthusiasm to that of Godoy for her character and has also said she is an Eiichiro Oda (the original story’s creator) fan. The Minnesota artist expressed her deep fondness for One Piece and said it is one of her favorite mangas.
The 30-year-old actress said confessed had been working quite hard for the Nami role in the series. When finding out about the plans for the live-action to be brought to Netflix, she pursued the Nami role for nearly three years. The actress dyed her hair red and cut it just like Nami, and decided to style herself and pose as similar as possible to her dream character.
“I colored my hair red and got it cut just like Nami’s. I posted a video of myself when I was younger tumbling and doing back-fips.”
After getting officially getting the character, she thought it was unbelievable, and expressed she felt fortunate. “I was like “Oh my god, I did it! I can’t believe I did it. How did I get so lucky? It was crazy I got to work my dream job.” She said.
Remember when the whole fandom believed we all got them to cast Emily Rudd as Nami with all the fan-casting when in reality… she did all those small things subtly that got the fandom to see her as Nami & won the audition altogether! Her mind! 🤯
She is truly real life Nami 😭🙌
— フィラ 🍉 (@philazora) August 4, 2023