Pope Francis met Sylvester Stallone, mostly known for being the “Rocky” actor, at the Vatican on Friday morning. The 77-year-old iconic actor said he appreciated the time his Holiness had decided to give him and his family to meet them. The superstar met Pope Francis with his brother, Frank Stallone, his wife, Jennifer Flavin, and their three daughters Sophie, Sistine, and Scarlet.
Although some photos of the peculiar meeting were released, there were no further details regarding the encounter between the pope and the movie star. However, some footage taken at the meeting reveals that Pope Francis told Stallone that “We grew up with your films,” and joked with him making boxing gestures by saying “Ready, we box!”
Reportedly, the “Rambo” actor has been visiting Italy since early September and has been to the town of Gioia del Colle, located in the Puglia, Southern Italy. The actor and director visited this place along his family on September 7 and were given an honorary citizenship of Gioia del Colle because their father was born there before immigrating to the United States in the 1930s.
In the honorary ceremony, Stallone said while holding an important key, “This was the key of (my grandfather’s) shop; he was the barber.” He later concluded his words by saying, “As Rocky would say: I love you, and keep fighting.” He also has stated how important it was for him to be a Catholic man upon the birth of his daughter, who had been born sick. According to him, God helped him go through those difficult times.
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