Ever since Elon Musk took over X, formerly known as Twitter, the social media platform has gone through numerous changes from massive layoffs, a logo and name change, the implementation of a reading limit for users to, most recently, technical difficulties all over the site. It appears to be that X’s failures have been growing, and users went down yesterday.
According to real-time reports from the Down Detector site, X (previously Twitter) had experienced a massive global failure. The reports estimated that the issues started shortly before 5 PM (CST time), when users started having problems on X in the website and on the mobile application. The reports gradually increased, and it was confirmed that the problem had ocurred in different parts of the world.
Reportedly, the main technical issue was users’ inability to view posts and update their timeline, as the platform displayed a message saying that it could not load any tweets. The same situation occured when visiting user profiles, as the message showed up and users were not able to view posts and received suggestions to reload the page, which did not solve the issue.
Upon learning about the issues on the social media Platform, many X users quickly blamed Elon Musk for the problems. They expressed their discontent with the state of the platform since he took over it. On this line, the comment that seemed to be repeating the most was that these types of massive failures are becoming common, something that did not happen when the company was far from the sight and control of the controversial billionaire.
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