Meta, the company that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp has launched Threads in its web version. The latest application from the Meta company is now able to be used on a desktop computer or a laptop, so users will be able to check their feeds, post messages and interact with other posts.
Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg affirmed that the app will be officially launched over the next couple of days, but many colleagues have received access since Wednesday night and Tuesday morning. The billionaire even uploaded a picture to Threads showing how he has been working on the broswer version of the social media platform. He said on his post “Actual footage of me building Threads for web. Rolling out over the next few days.”
At the moment, Threads had had several limitations when looking at profiles and just moving around the app. There was no possibility to like or share a post, in spite of the fact that the web version included the buttons to do this. Because of this, Threads would display a QR code to download the cellphone app.
However, this time it has been confirmed that the interface for desktop looks similar to that of the application, but there are some small changes. For example, the navigation icons are on top of the page, and the button “For You” and “Following” feeds are placed at the bottom-left corner.
Despite the release there are still features that have not been included in the web app. For example, editing profiles or sending a post to Instagram DMs from the web is not possible to do. In addition, the notification dot is not displayed on the heart icon.
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