Images regarding Lenovo’s new handheld console have been leaked. The device, which will supposedly be named Lenovo Legion Go, is set to feature some specifications and items that make it very similar to the Steam Deck and the Nintendo Switch.
The portable gaming console market found a new home in the Nintendo Switch, which is not only the most successful handheld console but also one of the most popular consoles around the globe. However, since its release other attractive alternatives have emerged and it seems like Lenovo will attempt to bring its power into the gaming market with its new promising system, which resembles he Nintendo Switch.
The leaks seem to be true, as a new report confirms that the new Lenovo device might have Nintendo Switch-like appeareance, at least in its first leaked images. Still, the Lenovo Legion Go, has not been officially unveiled, and Lenovo has not confirmed its existence. However, this report states that it could be an attractive option and it might compete with other consoles in the market.
Lenovo’s portable console could have a geometric and simple case. On the sides it will feature several buttons. In addition, they have been simiarly placed and resemble the Nintendo Switch’s joysticks. Moreover, it is supposed to include detachable controls, an 8-inches screen and touchpads of the Steam Deck.
While the leaked pictures might seem convincing, it is worth remembering that Lenovo has not confirmed the plans for the official launch of this product and only time will tell if it actually gets released.
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