On Tuesday, August 15, Xbox introduced its new Enforcement Strike System. The company launched the initiative with the goal of reducing and, eventually, eliminating the bad behavior some players have in the Xbox community. The system, which operates using strikes, will penalize players with suspensions that range from days to weeks, months, or even permanent bans.
Following the announcement of this new system, some players have expressed their doubts and concerns regarding the procedures of Xbox’s new moderation tool. As a result, the CEO of the company, Phil Spencer, took his X profile, formerly known as Twitter, to detail the implications that the Enforcement Strike System implies. He also highlighted the benefits it will offer players. He stated:
“The enforcement system is designed to empower players and to your point to create a good environment for the people that play by the rules. Strikes are assigned based on the severity of the actions and can result in more than one strike for an infraction.”
Despite the Xbox’s company clarifying that the Enforcement Strike System will provide a safer gaming environment, some fans fear the tool might not work correctly. In addition, other players believed the sanctions are weak and should be stricter to materialize a change. In response, Spencer thanked the community for its feedback and affirmed the Enforcement Strike System would be gradually adjusted for everyone’s benefit.
“The feedback is helpful and I’m sure we will want to continue to tune the system. The visibility into how the system works along with the transparency reports we put out will allow people to see our progress and how the systems are working. It’s an important topic.”
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