Boy who wanted to be Spider-Man was bitten by a black widow

Spider-Man is one of the world’s most popular superheroes and has gone on to have movies, series, video games, and of course, millions of fans around the world. Many people, especially kids, have fantasized about the idea of having powers similar to their favorite Spider hero, and some have even tried to obtain them in similar ways to that of the original story.

This is the case of an 8-year-old Bolivian boy, who purposely let a spider bite him in hopes of acquiring the abilities of his favorite superhero. Unfortunately, the young boy from Bolivia only suffered medical consequences after being bitten by a black widow.

Reportedly, the kid found the spider while playing on some river banks. After this, he got the idea of trying to become Spider-Man, so he attempted to get the animal to bite him on his hand. Following the attempts, he took the insect home in a jar. 

Shortly after, the symptoms started showing and the child started feeling pain in his body. The venom from the black widow spider can cause intense pain, muscle cramps and breathing difficulties, but it is not life-threatening for most humans.

As his condition was not getting better, the 8-year-old decided to tell his parents what happened and he was quickly taken to a hospital. He was then treated and given an antidote that rapidly neutralized the venom. Out of risk, the boy confessed that he wanted to “become Spider-Man,” as he has always been a big fan of his movies.

This story is a reminder that fiction and reality should not be confused, especially when it comes to children who might want to be like their favorite fictional characters. In this case, the kid was fortunately treated in the hospital and his condition got quickly better.

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Carlos Gaviria