Baby crying in his sleep as he pretends to hold a device goes viral

The short clip of a baby crying in his sleep while pretending to hold a tablet has gone viral on social media, specifically Twitter. The post has received more tan 10 thousand retweets and approximately 20 million views in less than a day. Additionally, it has sparked a discussion among users regarding the use of technology among children. 

The user who posted the clip stated that the baby made “made movements as if he had a tablet in his hand,” and later added that “these moments caused anxiety in the parents.” During the short video, the way the child is probably having a bad dream can be seen. He later tries to fight the situation by pretending to have, what users think, could be a tablet.

Upon watching the video, different reactions started to emerge. Still, most comments are divided into two sectors: the ones who think the kid’s parents should supervise and control what the infant does in a more strict manner, and the ones who consider this is a natural interaction for the child to have, as he has probably grown around technology devices.

In the same line, studies by the American Psychological Association, stated that continued exposure to screens and devices might affect children negatively, as this is connected to various developmental and behavior problems which include: lack of attention, aggressive behaviors, obesity, physical inactivity, sleep problems or disturbances and poor-quality sleep for kids who over use technology.

Watch the video in question here:

Carlos Gaviria

Redactor en Drop The Info desde 2023. Graduado como licenciado en Inglés/Español en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Instagram - Linkedin

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Carlos Gaviria