The anime series, ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba,” has finally concluded the third season of the show with a special 55-minute final episode. In addition to the culmination of the Swordsmith Village Arc, the anime confirmed exciting news during the eleventh, and final episode, of its latest arc. The future of the series seems to be very bright at the moment.
The wishes of fans all around the globe have come true, as the anime show unveiled a short sneak-peak of the upcoming season right at the end of its last episode. The video clip, which is around one minute long, displayed new visuals and art for the fourth season of the show. which was created by manga writer Akira Matsushima, who is also in charge of character and animation design.
The clip confirmed the adaptation of the Hashira (Pillar) Training Arc in the manga series. This part of the story encompasses chapters 128 to 137 in the books. In contrast, the third season adapted the Swordsmith Village Arc, from chapters 100 to 127 of the manga, Due to this reason, it looks like the fourth arc could apparently have fewer episodes than its sister arc in season 3.
In spite of the big news, additional details regarding the anime continuation, such as release date, number of episodes, and soundtrack are yet to be announced. However, fans are speculating about tentative premiere dates based on the timeline Demon Slayer has had. Because of this, the release of season 4 can be expected in the middle of 2024, according to some supporters in the audience.
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