The United States wants to install Migration Offices at the Darien region

The United States government suggested the installation of Migration Offices last Monday, June 5, in Colombia, specifically in the Darien region, in an attempt to control migratory flow in this territory.

The State Department explained that these migratory offices could potentially be used as a “Safe Mobility Point,” with the objective of “registering, identifying and getting to know the motives for irregular migration,” so that they can be routed through legal ways.

Regarding the suggestion, it has been explained that it could prevent risks to people who intend to illegally migrate to American or Canadian territories. In addition, it was also stated that the Migratory Offices would be managed in a collaboration between both Washington and Bogotá.

At the moment, Colombia’s government has approved the proposal, as discussions regarding migratory protection in the Darien province have taken place since 2022. This place is a jungle that separates Panama and Colombia, with great flora and fauna biodiversity.

However, people intending to walk this zone are in potential danger due to its deep rivers and aggressive animals, in addition to the illegal activities and criminal groups in the territory. For instance, many migrants have been robbed or harmed during their crossing, with women being the most affected group as they are sexually abused when attempting to walk the jungle floor.

In 2022, 250.000 people crossed this region, doubling up the number of migrants who did it in 2021, which was a total of 133.000. Venezuelans are the most common population embarking on these dangerous trip, according to reports.

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Carlos Gaviria