The End of the World theory proposed by Stephen Hawking might be coming true

Stephen Hawking, the late physicist, who was one of the most brilliant minds in the history of the world, came up with a theory regarding the end of the world. It apparently seems to be coming true, as he affirmed that “all objects with mass could disappear.”

In this line, recent studies have revealed that black holes will eventually evaporate, but that’s not the only concern scientists have, as the whole universe might be in danger of gradually start disappearing. In 1974 Hawking affirmed that black holes will being to disappear due to (what is now known as) a lack of Hawking radiation. 

Not too long ago European scientists updated Hawking’s this theory and they reached the conclusion that black holes are not the only ones being affected by this situation. Other constellations, and eventually our own galaxy, will have the same destiny.

NASA revealed a new study that talks about a giant black hole named TON 6178, the biggest one in the universe as of now. It has been affirmed that this hole has devoured all types of matters that make contact with its space. However, TON 6178 is not a threat to the Planet Earth short-term. Regardless, experts seem to be worried, as this black hole has increased its size at a rapid pace.

While this process seems to take millions of years to finally affect humankind, it potentially shows how these theories that were made decades ago still have agency in today’s world and academic fields and might involve our lives at some point in the future.

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Carlos Gaviria