
New York City is under an orange cloud, find out why


New York City is being seriously affected by a big orange smoke cloud, which has had residents of the city staying indoors.

Social media posts made by users have shown the way this orange cloud has invaded the skies of the city, provoking the worsening of air quality. As a result, people with respiratory or lung diseases such as asthma, along with children and the elderly have been classified as the most vulnerable groups during this event.

This unusual phenomenon is the result of more than 100 forest fires, which have been occurring in the North of the Canadian border. In consequence, the situation has triggered an emergency in different zones of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and both North and South Carolina, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

New York’s government sent a release through state social media platforms, in which it explained that the smoke came from the wildfires in Canada, and recommended people with cardiac, and respiratory problems, as well as children, and the elderly to avoid doing activities outside.

This is not the day to train for a marathon or to do an outside event with your children. Stay inside, close windows and doors, and use air purifiers if you have them.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) explained that exposure to PM2.5 (particles with harmful contaminant components) can cause lung and cardiac diseases. If the necessary measurements are not taken, the lives of around 2.300 people could potentially be at risk.

Around 10 school districts cancel their outdoor activities. In spite of this, some schools remain open.

Apocalyptic time-lapse shows New York disappear into orange smoke from Canada wildfires
Written by
Carlos Gaviria

Redactor en Drop The Info desde 2023. Graduado como licenciado en Inglés/Español en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Instagram - Linkedin

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