The British-Albanian hitmaker and Romain Gavras attended the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. The couple made their debut in the premiere of Omar La Fraise (The King of Algiers) on Friday, May 19. The singer wore a spectacular one-shoulder black dress with cutouts. In the same color palette, Gavras, filmmaker and director, wore an elegant black suit.
The pair was not shy about public displays of affection, as the man wrapped his arms around Lipas’ waist while posing for pictures on the red carpet. However, this was not the first time they were spotted together. Two months before the Cannes Festival, the couple were seen in February on their way to the 2023 BAFTA Awards in London, according to Entertainment Tonight. After that, they were spotted once again holding hands during the Paris Fashion Week earlier this year.
Despite being the first time the public gets to know Romain Gavras at a major event, he is not unknown to the celebrity world and the arts. He has worked behind-the-scenes directing videos for rapper Kanye West and alternative singer M.I.A. He also dated Rita Ora for about six months. In Lipa’s case, she is widely known across the general audience and fans thanks to her hits, but in terms of her dating life, the last person she was in a relationship with was Anwar Hadid until 2021.
During an interview in October 2022 with iHeart Radio, Dua Lipa stated she felt good being on her own and thinking only about herself. Even so, it seems the singer had been ready for love for some months now, and this is the first time the couple debuts together at an event like this.
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