The latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android has introduced the message editing feature. This functionality will enable users to correct sent messages by editing them within a fifteen-minute window after sending them, both in individual chats and groups.
WhatsApp began developing this feature in June of last year with the aim of providing users with the ability to correct their messages after sending them. This will facilitate the correction of possible errors without the need to delete and retype the message.
According to the technology website WaBetaInfo, the beta version of WhatsApp for Android has made the message editing feature available to users.
With this update, beta users can now edit text messages in individual and group chats. Reports suggest that there are no limits on the number of times a message can be edited. However, modifications can only be made within a fifteen-minute timeframe from the time of sending. After that period, the message cannot be edited anymore.
This time limit is in place to prevent the manipulation of information that could affect the understanding of the conversation. If messages could be edited indefinitely, it could lead to confusion and difficulties in understanding what was previously discussed.
Additionally, when a message has been edited, an “edited” label will be displayed within the message space. This will indicate that the message has been modified and will clarify to other users if there have been any changes to the message.
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