Demi Lovato is censured for offending religion

The artistic life of singer and actress Demi Lovato has always been in controversy, as there are people who claim that she does not have the same success of her fellow Disney stars such as Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez.

From the first moment Demi came out of her Disney Channel shell, the industry has showered her with criticism due to her style, her music, her friendships and above all, her weight.

The talented singer has always been the target of ridicule due to her eating disorders, which have been more mentioned than her great musical talent, being one of the young singers with the best voice in the industry.

Without previous news, singer Demi Lovato was notified that the promotions for her new studio album, ‘Holy Fvck’, has been censored in the UK, as it apparently violates the code of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

According to the ASA, during last summer, they received at least four complaints about the promotional advertisement placed in different parts of the UK, which had to be withdrawn.

“It could seriously offend Christians by linking sexuality with the sacred symbol of the crucifix,” detailed the ASA, regarding Demi Lovato’s promo.

It is important to mention that the photograph has caused great impact, since the beautiful Demi Lovato can be seen wearing an uncovered red suit and many black belts around her body that tie her up.

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Norma Lopez