
Olivia Wilde wins legal battle against her ex, Jason Sudeikis, for the custody of their children

Olivia Wilde was very surprised when last April she received a court summons from her ex-husband, Jason Sudeikis, in the middle of a public event in Las Vegas, no less than during the presentation of her new movie ‘Cowboys and Aliens‘ at CinemaCon.

A man skipped the security protocols of the act and went on stage to deliver the envelope to Olivia, who, microphone in hand, tried to keep her composure and make a joke of the event. Later it would come to light that her former husband had tried to pressure her into giving up the terms on the custody of her two children in common.

Jason’s actions were aimed at threatening me and catching me off guard. He could have discreetly handed me those documents, but instead he chose to do it as aggressively as possible. That Jason wants to embarrass me professionally and take our conflict to the public sphere is extremely contrary to the interests of our children“, the interpreter assured in a statement that she later gave to the judge handling the case.

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That embarrassing scene may have contributed precisely to the victory that, this week, the American interpreter and director took over her ex-husband. The judge determined that Otis and Daisy officially live in California, where their mother does, and not in the state of New York, as their father intended.

In the document cited above, Olivia Wilde’s lawyers argued that Sudeikis’s hostile gesture toward his ex-wife was indicative of his unwillingness to cooperate in reaching an agreement for joint custody of the children.


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