The last episode of the reality show The Kardashians focused on the discreet sentimental life of the matriarch of the television clan, Kris Jenner, who has been in a relationship with Corey Gamble for more than seven years and, according to some, would have secretly married her partner for prevent the media focus from resting on her and not on her daughters.
Her daughter Khloé was one of the first to realize that social networks are currently burning with rumors linked to her mother’s alleged status as a married woman. In a preview of the next chapter, the designer tries to find out what is true in those conjectures, a theory that she has even gained some credibility after seeing that her mother wears a mysterious ring.
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Once confronted by her own daughter, Kris gets defensive and adamantly denies that she walked down the aisle with her romantic partner, arguing that she would never dare take such a step without first throwing a party for her..
“Stop. You think I’m gonna get married and not have a big ass party?”
“No, Khloé, I’m not secretly married. I swear to God, on all my kids and daddy“, after being questioned by her daughter, she says in the middle of a lunch.
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