
Johnny Depp’s lawyer exposes Amber Heard’s infidelities in court

Camille Vázquez has put Amber Heard between a rock and a hard place after questioning with convincing evidence the actress’s alleged testimony that James Franco only helped her get out of Depp’s abuse before her.

Camille Vazquez has asked the actress why she then “she felt comfortable having James Franco in the attic on the night of May 22, 2016” insinuating that the panic that she had said that she suffered at that time was not real.

Amber Heard responded to Vasquez by assuring that she allegedly did not remember what day James Franco had gone to her apartment. And that’s when Depp’s lawyer told him “okay, let’s remind him” and she played a recording from the building’s elevator surveillance camera.

In the video, dated May 22, 2016, Heard and Franco are seen going up to the actress’s attic. What’s amazing about this? Amber was still with Johnny at the time.

During yesterday’s questioning, the lawyer pressed Heard on several points to get her to talk about her, including her claim that drugs and alcohol turned Depp into a “monster” who became violent with her.

“Who was the real monster in this relationship, Miss Heard?” Vásquez asked the actress, to which she replied:

“He’s half Johnny. It’s not all Johnny,” Heard replied. “The other half of him is wonderful and beautiful and the man I loved”

Jhostin Bescanza

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Jhostin Bescanza