With the arrival of Elon Musk on Twitter, who is now the largest shareholder of the social network with a 9.2% stake, the button to edit tweets could also arrive, one of the functions most demanded by users and that the company has been delayed.
The owner of Tesla make his presence known on the platform and in less than 24 hours he returns to unleash an old debate; the edit tweet button. Through a tweet from his personal account, he launched a survey asking users if they wanted Twitter to add a button to edit tweets with two misspelled options “yse” and “on”, yes and no.
Do you want an edit button?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 5, 2022
At first, Internet users did not give it importance, until the CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal, mentioned Musk’s tweet from his personal account and wrote in it that “The consequences of this survey will be important. Please vote carefully“. This has caused people to take this survey much more seriously.
The consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully. https://t.co/UDJIvznALB
— Parag Agrawal (@paraga) April 5, 2022
Until now, the platform has refused to implement an edit button, first because Twitter was built on the basis of an SMS service, which does not allow you to edit the content of your message. On the other hand, Jack Dorsey, Co-founder of the platform, explained that adding an edit button had his obstacles.
By enabling this button you could write a tweet, publish it and have someone retweet it and after an hour you could change the content of said tweet and that person would be spreading your new message without them even knowing.
Despite everything, many people ask for it to be able to edit their publications. The company had studied giving a minute from when it was published to be able to edit the tweet, however, this would mean that the publication would have to be delayed, something that does not convince the company either.
If the introduction of the edit button is carried out, its operation and requirements of said option are unknown. The only thing that is known for sure is that with Musk’s entry to Twitter there will be many news.